My Experience


I have worked with individuals and couples in a variety of settings including private practice, community, hospital, substance rehabilitation, prison, high school, and university. My work with diverse populations has equipped me with the experience and knowledge to help you reach your unique goals.

My services.


Individual Therapy

As a licensed psychologist, I follow a strict Code of Ethics outlined by the Board of Psychology. The therapeutic process goes deeper into the life of the client. It’s a joint process in which the client and therapist create goals to inspire change, growth, and improve quality of life. Therapy can take a long or short-term approach depending on what is being presented by the client.


Couple’s Counseling

Through counseling, I help couples gain insight into their relationship. Within counseling, I provide the couple with tools to resolve conflict, improve communication, and increase relationship satisfaction.


Coaching takes a more future-oriented, short-term approach. I recommend coaching for clients who want to target a specific area or behavior in their life by offering new approaches and solutions to overcoming that stressor. This target issue is not a mental health diagnosis, rather an area in which you want to grow or a circumstance you want to address. There is no diagnosis or focus on mental health issues in coaching.